Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani

As an urban planning and architectural theorist and historian, as an architect, museum director and university lecturer, a publicist and an author, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, born in Rome in 1951, has shaped and contributed to the architectural discourse of the last 40 years on the most diverse scales and levels like few others. After studying architecture at the Università la Sapienza in Rome and the University of Stuttgart, he received his doctorate in 1977. From 1980 to 1984 he was a scientific advisor to the IBA Berlin; from 1990 to 1994 he was the director of the German Architecture Museum (DAM) in Frankfurt am Main, from where he conceived numerous important exhibitions, among others on the "other" modernism. After obtaining positions as a university lecturer in Harvard, Berlin and again Frankfurt am Main, he became professor for the history of urban planning, at the ETH Zurich in 1994 and thought until 2016. As an editor and author, he has been instrumental in numerous publications on the history and theory of urban planning; as a publicist, he has successfully repositioned the journal Domus; as a practicing architect and urban planner, with offices first in Berlin and later in Milan and Zurich, he has also positioned himself in a very practical way within the debate on the reconstruction and development of European cities through numerous buildings and projects, not least through his master plans, for example for the Novartis Forum in Basel and the Richti Areal in Zurich Wallisellen. His work has been honored with the Heinrich Tessenow Medal (2017), among others.