Pascal Häusermann

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Pascal Häusermann (b.1936) studied architecture in Geneva and from the mid-1950s to the early 1970s he was one of the most adventurous advocates of the cell and shell houses in France and Switzerland. In addition to numerous single family dwellings in timber, concrete and plastic he designed the Balcon de Belledonne leisure centre (1966), the Permance de Cornavin (1972), the Centre d’Animation in Douvaine (1973) or the dismountable Théâtre Mobile (1969-1971). In addition he developed the so-called Domobiles from prefabricated plastic elements. From 1966 he was a member of the Groupe International d’Architecture Mobile, and in 1971 founder of the group Habitat évolutif together with Antti Lauvac and Chanéac.