Hans Kollhoff

With his prominent projects and his long tenure as a professor Hans Kollhoff (b.1946) has crucially contributed to the architecture in the post-war period. After his diploma in Karlsruhe he worked for several years as an assistant to Oswald Mathias Ungers at Cornell University in New York, before founding his own office in Berlin in 1987. Since then, he has produced numerous influential competition entries, such as Atlanpole in Nantes (1989), and buildings, such as the high-rise at Potsdamerplatz in Berlin (1999). At the same time, after several guest professorships, he took up in 1990 the post as a Professor for Architecture and Construction at ETH Zurich, where he stayed until his retirement in 2012. Hans Kollhoff’s architectural work, as well his academic activity is marked by different phases, which have in common the critical engagement with the relation of architecture and the city.