Hermann Muthesius 1861–1927. Das Landhaus als kulturgeschichtlicher Entwurf
Laurent Stalder, gta Verlag, Zürich, 2004

Hermann Muthesius 1861–1927. Das Landhaus als kulturgeschichtlicher Entwurf Cover, 2009
Hermann Muthesius was one of the leading figures in German cultural policy and reform efforts at the beginning of the 20th century. Between 1904 and 1927, he published numerous writings on residential house construction, which were widely received. These include the three-volume work The English House (1904) and How Do I Build My House? (1917), in which he condensed his design theory into a standard work. The influence and transfer of English teachings on the German development of residential houses, particularly country houses, are central to the study, as is the relationship between modernity and tradition, practice and theory, as well as technology and craftsmanship.