Märkli. Professur für Architektur an der ETH Zürich 2002-2005
gta Exhibition, 24. February to 3. April 2016 at Haupthalle, Zentrum, ETH Zurich

Emptiness and boundary are central themes in Peter Märkli's teaching as Professor of Architecture and Construction at ETH Zurich. The design assignments encourage students to formulate a concept of life that is reflected in the built structures. The articulation of emptiness, the outdoor spaces, plays as crucial a role as the expression of the facade and the design of the boundary between exterior and interior. With this exhibition and a publication, the Department of Architecture honors Peter Märkli, who ended his tenure at ETH Zurich in the fall of 2015. As Professor of Architecture and Construction, he conveyed his understanding of building to his students. A selection of around 110 student projects created at his chair since 2002 illustrate Märkli's concerns and approach. They serve as testimony to the richness and diversity of his teaching. The exhibition is presented in the main hall of ETH Zurich, featuring a site-specific exhibition architecture designed by Peter Märkli and Chantal Imoberdorf.

On the occasion of the exhibition, gta Verlag is publishing the book: Märkli. Professorship of Architecture at ETH Zurich 2002–2015.
Main sponsor of the exhibition: Forbo Flooring Systems
Photos: Martin Stollenwerk