Heinz Isler Models
Monday 26 August 2024 until Tuesday 24 September 2024, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL D 57.1
The exhibition "Heinz Isler Models" focuses on the design methods of Swiss engineer Heinz Isler (1926-2009). It features original documents from the gta Archive, including physical models, drawings, photographs, and videos that he took from the construction sites of his buildings.
“Heinz Isler Models” is curated by Dr. Giulia Boller and it is a collaboration between the Chair of the Theory of Architecture, Block Research Group, gta Archive, gta Exhibitions with the support of the NCCR Digital Fabrication and the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).
The exhibition “Heinz Isler Models” is on display from 26.08.2024-24.09.2024, at ETH Hönggerberg HIL D 57.1.
To mark the opening of the "Heinz Isler Models" exhibition, a public panel will be held to discuss Heinz Isler's legacy.
Welcome: Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder (ETH Zurich)
Introduction: Dr. Giulia Boller (ETH Zurich)
Panel: Prof. Dr. John Chilton (University of Nottingham), Prof. Dr. Tullia Iori (University of Roma Tor Vergata), Em. Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz (ETH Zurich) and Dr. Giulia Boller, moderated by Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder